Nominate a Project

Project Criteria

The preservation or restoration of structures important nationally, regionally, or locally is eligible for an award. Individual private residences not open to the public are ineligible for preservation awards.

  • The structure must have been created during the period 1837 to 1917, inclusive.
  • The property should be listed or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places, or on a state or local register, either individually or as a contributing structure within an historic district.
  • The restoration must have been completed not more than two years prior to the submission of the nomination and must include the restoration of the exterior of the building.
  • The project must encompass the completed restoration, rehabilitation, or adaptive reuse of a property, including its exterior. If the property’s interior is involved in the project, it should also be included in the documentation.

Nominations must be:

  • Submitted using the printable nomination form.
  • Endorsed by a chapter of the Society if the property is within the juridiction of the chapter. The Chair of the Preservation Committee will ascertain whether this requirement has been satisfield.
  • Received no later than February 15.

Nomination Documents Must Include:

  • A completed nomination form
  • A narrative of no more than five pages that:
    1. Relates pertinent information about the history, dates, creator, etc. of the property, or organization. 
    2. Describes the preservation and/or restoration work accomplished, including methodology of procedure; problems encountered and solved; adaptive reuse (if any); systems upgraded; decisions concerning period of significance, historic re-creations, historic  furnishings, or replication of missing elements; and names of significant professionals and craftsmen involved in the project.  Public access to or benefit from the property, including educational or outreach programs, if any, should also be noted.
  • Sufficient color photographs to illustrate the work that has been done on the project, including, as appropriate, views of the exterior, interior, outbuildings, landscape; before-and-after photographs and pertinent plans are strongly recommended, if available. Vintage or historic photographs are also welcome, if available.
  • Letters of endorsement are welcome, though not required, from qualified individuals or officials attesting to the importance or professional quality of the work on the project.

Nomination documents, including photographs, must be submitted in both hardcopy and digital format. Advance consultation with the Preservation Committee Chair is advisable concerning transmission of digital data.

    Decision Process:

    The Preservation Committee will review the nominations, after which the applicants will be notified of the result.  Information about the awards will be posted on the Society’s website.


    The Preservation Committee will be pleased to answer any questions regarding the requirements, documentation, or procedures for the Preservation Awards Program.

    Dennis Andersen, VSA Preservation Committee Chair

    1827 Grove Avenue

    Richmond, VA 23220

