Online Programs


In response to sequestering required by COVID-19, our partner organizations from across the country are working to develop online tours, lectures, book clubs, and more. We will highlight the best of these programs below. If you have any recommendations, please share at This list will surely grow over the coming weeks, so please check back often.

Glessner House Digital Tour

The Glessner House, the landmark design by Henry Hobson Richardson in Chicago, has developed a digital online tour of their museum. To take the tour, click here.

Victorian House Coloring Contest

Frank Lloyd Wright’s Westcott House has launched a free Coloring Contest featuring the Bookwalter House, an 1875 French Second Empire House in Springfield, Ohio. To enter the contest, click here.

Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians Free Access

Our partners at the Society of Architectural Historians (SAH) are providing free access to their journal through June 2020. To read, click here.